Corcoran Sounds Records presents

Plain, Part One

2020-21 - Folk (EP)
There is just something wonderful about the sound of a singer with a single, nylon stringed guitar. Just as there is also something wonderful about Todd Corcoran’s latest gift to the world of music: Plain. From “Come Back to Me” through “Sometimes” may you rejoice in the wonder over and over again for years to come.

Abstract Son

2019 - Folk
Listen to the music. Listen to the guitar. Listen to the words, melodies, harmonies, and forms. Listen very closely for connection, solace or fun. Listen to the album: ABSTRACT SON.

You're Never Too Old to Gorman Alexander

2014 - Folk
YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO GORMAN ALEXANDER is filled with deceptively simple songs that come from the heart. Although it’s not necessarily bluesy, it’s a throwback to the old blues players – just a guy, a guitar, and expressive music.

Welcome to CorkCoreRun

2011 - Folk
WELCOME TO CORKCORERUN is a singer/songwriter recording, very well built if you don’t mind listening to just a guitar and a vocal. It has catchy songs crafted like rock tunes, which are rather diverse and could be considered “folky.” It starts with an instrumental, continues with lighthearted tunes, gets more serious towards the middle, runs for about 40 minutes and has a hankering to show you, very publicly and sincerely, what folk, classical, rock, jazz, country, flamenco, blues and bluegrass influences sound like when packaged together as simple songs.

The Songs I've Played, Volume 1

2009 - Classical
THE SONGS I’VE PLAYED (VOL 1) is classical guitar music. On this recording there are no vocals and no gimmicks and the music hovers between timeless musical influences and the guitar’s Spanish kinship. Close inspection reveals well crafted compositions, seldom heard, mellow and rejuvenating to the mind, if consented. Over the years Todd Corcoran and his guitar have spent many hours alone in the shade, learning, playing, enjoying, music. This record is the first installment in sharing some of this enjoyment with you.

Where Do I Go Now

2005 - Folk
Recorded in a closet and released in early 2005, WHERE DO I GO NOW marks the debut release of “The Eclectic Guitarist.” With just a guy, a guitar, and a vocal, WHERE DO I GO NOW manages to take every known genre and compound it into one solid mass of original songwriting.